EdLeader21® Network

Connecting Leaders. Impacting Education.

The EdLeader21 Network is proud to be the nation’s only professional community dedicated to Portrait of a Graduate, a vibrant community for education leaders exploring the idea, preparing for launch, or aiming to maintain transformative progress.

This is more than just a network to join. It’s a movement towards reimagining the future of education, ensuring students not only succeed academically but thrive with the durable skills necessary to be future-ready. 

We are now accepting new school districts for membership in the network. You can choose one of the following options to learn more and speak with someone about what the benefits of membership are for innovative school districts like yours!

Explore Membership View Our Membership GuideSchedule a Meeting

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Belonging in the Network

Member Experience

Superintendent Roundtables

Connect and learn from fellow superintendents throughout the year to leverage the power of the network. Members share successes and challenges on the journey towards implementing a vision of future-ready, deeper learning.

Innovation Groups

These innovation groups will meet virtually throughout the year to research, develop, and pilot tools and resources that will be made available to all network members. There are two innovation groups: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Purposeful Assessments.

All-Access Events

All educators and staff in EdLeader21 districts are invited to participate in member experiences offered throughout the year. This includes Virtual Site Visits that showcase deeper learning practices coming to life and our popular Speaker Series that facilitates conversations with leading experts in the field.

Tools & Resources

Connect with colleagues on the EdLeader21 Network App and access tools and resources developed and curated by network members and Battelle for Kids to support the implementation and acceleration of deeper learning experiences.

Network News

Our weekly email newsletter keeps members informed and connected with important information and reminders, as well as features and highlights from districts around the nation.

Annual Event

The EdLeader21 Annual Event is an engaging and inspiring experience exclusively for network member districts to accelerate future-ready, deeper learning for every student. It brings together innovative education leaders to build relationships, share ideas, learn from one another, and plan for the future. The 2024 Annual Event will be held Oct. 21-23 in Indianapolis.

EdLeader21 Annual Event

District teams convene each fall at the EdLeader21 Annual Event. No matter where your district is on the journey of implementing your vision of future-ready, deeper learning, participating in the Annual Event will fuel your passion for this work through impactful breakout sessions, inspiring keynotes, and networking opportunities with other educators on this same journey.

The energizing event includes a Portrait to Practice Expo where educators share artifacts, lessons learned, and insights that illustrate how future-ready learning becomes a reality for students.

Learn More

Cultivating a Shared Vision

The EdLeader21 Network currently includes members from more than 30 states and Brazil.

Network members are connected by a shared vision – a Portrait of a Graduate – where all students experience a future-ready education that purposefully integrates rigorous academic content with the skills and mindsets to prepare them for success now and into the future.

Join these innovative leaders who are driven to collectively change education to meet the needs of today’s learners!

Ready to Join?

Is your district ready to join the nation’s premier network for education transformation? Contact Jeff Korchinski today to discuss EdLeader21 Network membership options.

Contact Battelle for Kids

Member Resources

Current EdLeader21 Network members can use the following links to access resources, tools, and exclusive information in the EdLeader21 Network Collaboration Platform.

Network members can connect with their Membership Concierge Heather Conlee for assistance with accessing the Collaboration Platform or to learn more about how to maximize the benefits of EdLeader21 Network membership.

EdLeader21 Collaboration Platform