© 2025, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy
Battelle for Kids (BFK) is a national, not-for-profit organization helping to empower educators so that every student has hope, resilience, and the knowledge and skills to be future-ready. BFK has helped hundreds of school districts and state agencies design, launch, and bring their shared community visions—the Portrait of a Graduate—to life, impacting the learning experiences of millions of students nationwide.
Welcome to a new era in education, where the future isn’t just a distant dream, but a tangible reality we are preparing students for today. At Battelle for Kids, we believe in a world where every student is ready for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
The core outcome we promote is simple: every student future-ready. We work with educators to co-create and align entire organizations and learning environments that nurture hope, resilience, and the academic knowledge and durable skills students need to thrive in an ever-changing world. We partner with learning organizations to set a clear vision, create supportive conditions for learning, and align systems to positively impact student outcomes.
The Battelle for Kids team is passionate about education, and loves collaborating with innovative school systems and visionary leaders. Through a diverse range of talents, our team lives our core values to be reliable, relational, and innovative.
Supported by an initial grant from Battelle Memorial Institute, Battelle for Kids was established in 2001 by the Ohio Business Roundtable to advance student achievement and growth in Ohio.
In 2005, Battelle for Kids became an independent, national not-for-profit organization focused on developing innovative services and solutions that empower and support teachers, leaders, and school systems to reach every learner.
In 2017, Battelle for Kids welcomed EdLeader21, a national network dedicated to accelerating the implementation of 21st-century, deeper learning. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21), an early pioneer in 21st-century learning, joined the Battelle for Kids family in 2018, further advancing our strategic partnerships and innovative resources for educators.
Over the past decade, Battelle for Kids has helped hundreds of school districts and state agencies design and launch their shared, community visions—the Portrait of a Graduate—to impact the learning experiences of millions of students nationwide. Today, Battelle for Kids honors our past work and stands ready to lead a movement in education that empowers educators so that every student has hope, resilience, and the knowledge and skills to be future-ready.
At Battelle for Kids, we believe in the power of partnerships and collaboration to make a lasting impact on education across the nation. We foster innovative partnerships with like-minded organizations, aiming to enrich and elevate the educational outcomes for students from coast to coast.
Learn MoreEvery learning organization is at a different stage in its journey. We meet you where you are to support and empower you along the way. Connect with our team to set up a conversation and learn more about how we can help.
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