

Your District is Implementing TheStudentExperience21

Here you’ll find information to help you get off to a great start. You’ll learn the importance of the four key themes of hope, engagement, belonging, and 21st century learning, as well as how to create an account to access the suite of tools and your implementation guide.

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The Importance for Educators

TheStudentExperience21 supports educators in:

  • Fostering hope, engagement, and belonging in 21st century learning.
  • Elevating student voice to inform practice.
  • Building awareness about the impact of practices now and in the future.
  • Designing learning experiences that support overall student success.

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Introduction and Tutorial for Students

Learn why TheStudentExperience21 is important for your students and how they will participate.

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What is Most Important to Ask Your Students?

These four key themes are essential for students to thrive now and in the future. When you invite students to share how they feel about their learning experiences—around these four key themes—you can discover gaps between student perception and teacher intention, and then you can respond with research-based strategies.



Students experience hope when they believe their future is promising. But it is more than wishful thinking. Hopeful students have clear goals, paired with the mindset and motivation to reach them. They also anticipate and plan for obstacles and, therefore, plan for multiple pathways to success.



Students are emotionally engaged when they have strong relationships with their teachers and peers, making them feel safe, enthusiastic, and confident in their learning.



Students have a sense of belonging when they feel accepted, when the feel valued, and when they feel cared for by both their teachers and their peers. Our sense of belonging helps us understand who we are and our place in the world.


21st Century Learning

Students experience 21st century learning when teachers design opportunities for students to think deeply and bring their learning to life through questioning, exploring, and reflecting on how their learning connects to the world beyond school.

Suite of Tools Overview

Student Perception Survey
A student perception survey provides insights into what matters most to student success now and in the future.

  • Students share how they feel about their learning experience to discover gaps between student perception and teacher intention
  • Locally determined administration windows and frequency
  • For grades 4-12
  • Takes less than 15 minutes on a computer or handheld device
  • 24 survey items, 6 items per theme: hope, engagement, belonging, and 21st century learning
  • Survey items in English
  • Grade 4 reading level and audio support available
  • Student responses are anonymous
Immediate Reports for Educators
Immediate report PDFs are generated for educators (by class, school, and system) around student perception of their learning experiences.

  • Real-time reporting available at class, subject/course, grade, and school levels, as well as by learning mode: in-person, virtual, and hybrid
  • Includes survey item data and grand mean of responses
  • Includes strengths and opportunities for growth in professional practice
Action Response Guide for Educators
An action response guide is available for educators with research-based strategies to inform educator response to student voice around the key survey themes.

  • Research-based strategies for each survey theme: hope, engagement, belonging, and 21st century learning
  • Three tiers of guided strategies – reflective response, professional practice, and collaborative conversations – to inform educator response to student perceptions
Interactive Data Analysis Dashboard for System Leaders
An interactive data analysis dashboard is available for system leaders that includes searchable queries to reveal trends and strengths in the school and across the system.

  • Reveal the highest levels of hope, engagement, belonging, and 21st century learning experiences across the system
  • Data analysis for each survey theme through multiple criteria, including subject/course, grade level, and school, as well as by learning mode: in-person, virtual, and hybrid
  • Searchable queries to reveal trends and strengths to replicate across the system


Questions about how to get started with TheStudentExperience21 program? Reach out to us today for help at

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