Affton School District in Missouri launched its Portrait of a Graduate in August 2023.
Establishing the vision: Designed by a team of teachers, parents, alumni, students, and community members over the course of several months during the 2022-2023 school year, the Portrait of a Graduate will be Affton’s guiding light to ensure each student graduates ready for their future.
Launch video: To announce its Portrait of a Graduate in August, Affton produced a video that featured Superintendent Dr. Travis Bracht explaining the reasons behind and the process that goes into developing a Portrait of a Graduate. Affton High School alumni were tapped to describe each of the six attributes featured in the Portrait of a Graduate.
Core Values vs. Portrait of a Graduate: Affton explicitly outlines the difference between its Core Values and its new Portrait of a Graduate. Affton describes its Core Values as “who we are and why we’re here” vs. its Portrait of a Graduate as “what we hope to achieve and how.” The district then goes into explaining how they landed on each of the competencies that were chosen for the Portrait.
Proud partners: Battelle for Kids is proud to have supported Affton School District on its transformation journey, and we are proud to have Affton as a member of the EdLeader21 Network. We look forward to seeing what is in store for students and the community!
About the District: Affton School District serves more than 2,400 students in grades PreK-12 across five schools. Founded in 1855, the district is located within St. Louis County in Missouri, situated just west of the Mississippi River. Affton School District empowers each student to become a confident, compassionate, lifelong learner prepared to thrive as a responsible citizen in their community and beyond.