Battelle for Kids is excited to be back in-person for the EdLeader21 Annual Event. This year’s event, hosted in the city of Houston, brings together innovative education leaders to build relationships, share ideas, learn from one another, and plan for the future.
While there is a lot to look forward to at the 2022 Annual Event, here are just a few highlights:
1. Inspiring Speakers
These Annual Event speakers are sure to be thought-provoking and inspiring.

Top row, left to right:
Mr. Dwayne Reed, Teacher and Chief Enthusiasm Officer (CEO), TeachMrReed
Bill Daggett, EdD, Executive Chair, Successful Practices Network
Lisa Lande, PhD, Director of International Programs, Quaglia Institute for School Voice & Aspirations
Jay McTighe, Educational Author & Consultant
Lower row, left to right:
Stephen Chang, Managing Director, National Equity Project
Stacey Caillier, PhD, Director, Center for Research on Equity & Innovation (CREI), High Tech High Graduate School of Education
Rossa Doño-Ramírez, Improvement Coach, CREI, High Tech High Graduate School of Education
Mickey Porter, Company Owner/Consultant, PlusONE Leadership
2. Networking With Colleagues
Attendees will have a chance to connect, learn, and accelerate their vision of 21st century, deeper learning– the Portrait of a Graduate. With opportunities to network at Job-A-Like sessions and a Houston Astros game, the connections made at the event can fuel the acceleration of equitable, deeper learning outcomes for every student and shape the future of education.

3. Portrait to Practice Expo
Hear directly from members on how they are implementing their district’s vision for 21st century learning—making the Portrait of a Graduate a reality for every student. Innovative stories and artifacts will illustrate how members are putting their Portraits into practice and the impact it has on student learning.

4. Battelle for Kids Networks App
Annual Event attendees will be the first to experience the brand-new Battelle for Kids Networks app. The app will help attendees connect and find the resources to support their professional learning during the event. What is most exciting, though, is that this app will be a gathering space, a communication hub, and a knowledge base for the entire EdLeader21 Network following the Annual Event.

5. FuturesCoLab
Attendees will also test the prototype of FuturesCoLab, a new Battelle for Kids offering to help facilitate a collaborative, unifying community conversation about a district’s vision – its Portrait of a Graduate. The feedback given will help inform and strengthen the FuturesCoLab experience.

6. Transformational Learning
Learning with and from districts on the journey of implementing a vision of 21st century, deeper learning fuels the passion for this work. The learning and plenary sessions will give attendees new ideas they can take back to their districts and continue their journeys of transforming their education systems.

Do you have a 21st century, deeper learning vision – a Portrait of a Graduate? Our professional learning experiences can help you bring it to life for every student.