Well-Being Lab Offerings

Professional Learning to Build a Culture of Hope & Resilience

The Well-Being Lab by Battelle for Kids is an innovation hub dedicated to developing resources, workshops, and practices to support the comprehensive well-being of students and staff. It focuses on critical issues, including agency, autonomy, hope, and resilience, to enable the conditions for students and staff to embrace challenges and thrive. 

We offer different delivery models for the content offered in the Well-Being Lab to fit your organization’s needs. This includes:

  • Keynote
  • Breakout Session
  • Standalone Workshop
  • Workshop Series

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The Core Four: Understanding the Science of Hope and Resilience

Hope and resilience are not just essential to our overall well-being, they are empowering forces that enable us to embrace change, navigate challenges, and persevere in the face of adversity. More than three decades of research reveals that hope and resilience are dynamic skills that can be cultivated and strengthened. 

Leveraging this powerful combination helps to sustain motivation, handle stress more efficiently, cultivate flexible coping strategies, and enhance overall well-being. Explore the evidence-based strategies and Core Four conditions that help cultivate a hopeful and resilient mindset in yourself and others 

Growing Our Practice Series: Well-Being Labs to Build Hope and Resilience

These interactive labs create an avenue to bring the science of hope and resilience research into practiceParticipants will gain a deeper understanding of the evidence-based strategies and Core Four conditions that lead to hopeful and resilient mindsetsThrough engaging discussions and hands-on practice, educators will walk away with a robust toolkit of actionable strategies to embed hope and resilience into student learning experiences. 

Chart Your Course

Goal-Setting and Future Orientation Lab: Equip educators with tools to set meaningful, future-oriented goals that inspire action and foster long-term success for themselves and their students. 

Pathway Thinking and Problem-Solving Lab: Strengthen problem-solving and adaptability skills by developing strategies to overcome obstacles and build resilience through hopeful thinking. 

Master Your Mind

Metacognition and Self-Awareness Lab: Develop reflective practices to enhance self-awareness and improve decision-making and personal growth through “thinking about thinking. 

Self-Regulation and Executive Functioning Lab: Learn practical strategies for managing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, empowering educators and students to maintain balance and enhance well-being. 

Harness Your Strengths

Self-Efficacy and Agency Lab: Cultivate confidence and a sense of control by fostering belief in one’s abilities to influence outcomes and drive positive change. 

Cultivate Community

Emotional Engagement and Belonging Lab: Learn how to create emotionally supportive environments that promote belonging and deepen connections with students and colleagues. 


Advancing Systems: Building a Hopeful and Resilient Community

Learn how the powerful combination of hope and resilience can be harnessed to create communities that not only survive but thrive. Teams will develop a systems approach to building hopeful, resilient communities.

Teams will be formed from the building leadership and district leadership that represent the schools involved in the Well-Being Lab. 

Family Workshops

Building Hope and Resilience Family Workshop Series

The Core Four: Understanding the Science of Hope and Resilience 

Hope and resilience are not just essential to our overall well-being – they are empowering forces that enable us to embrace change, navigate challenges, and persevere in the face of adversity. More than three decades of research reveals that hope and resilience are dynamic skills that can be cultivated and strengthened. Leveraging this powerful combination helps to sustain motivation, handle stress more efficiently, cultivate flexible coping strategies, and enhance overall well-being.

In this initial workshop, families will explore the evidence-based strategies and Core Four conditions that cultivate a hopeful and resilient mindset, enabling them to foster a supportive and thriving family environment.

Thriving Together: Well-Being Labs to Build Family Hope and Resilience

Families will gain a deeper understanding of the evidence-based strategies and Core Four conditions that lead to hopeful and resilient mindsets. Through discussion and practice, families will walk away with the knowledge and skills to integrate hope and resilience science into their parenting techniques and own self-care. 

Chart Your Course

  • Goal-Setting and Future Orientation Lab
  • Pathway Thinking and Problem-Solving Lab

Master Your Mind

  • Metacognition and Self-Awareness Lab
  • Self-Regulation and Executive Functioning Lab

Harness Your Strengths

  • Self-Efficacy and Agency Lab

Build Your Tribe

  • Emotional Engagement and Belonging Lab


Responding to Need: Tiered Supports for Hope and Resilience

Explore how tiered support can enhance hope and resilience within your educational community using practical, evidence-based strategies. Learn to apply effective interventions that meet diverse needs, fostering a nurturing environment that supports growth and well-being for all learners. 

Additional Trainings

Trauma-Responsive Practices for Educators Workshop 

Trauma training for the district’s educators is an intensive workshop designed to equip educators with the knowledge, competencies, and practical strategies needed to support students who have experienced trauma. This training will cover an in-depth understanding of trauma, its manifestations in a school environment, and actionable approaches for creating a supportive and resilient classroom. By the end of this workshop, teachers will be empowered to recognize and respond effectively to students who are impacted by trauma, fostering a safe and conducive learning environment for all.

Topics that may be covered (time-dependent) include:   

  • Introduction to Trauma and the Neuroscience   
  • The Impact of Trauma on School Experiences and Learning   
  • Identifying and Recognizing Symptoms of Trauma in the School Setting    
  • Practical Strategies for Supporting Students Who Are Trauma-Affected    
  • Self-Care for Educators and Secondary Trauma   

Youth Mental Health First Aid™

Youth Mental Health First Aid™ teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18. Participants will receive the certification for Youth Mental Health First Aid™ which is effective for 3 years.  

  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges in this age group, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders and attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.  
  • How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis.  
  • How to connect the youth with help.  
  • Expanded content on trauma, substance use, self-care and the impact of social media and bullying. 

Interested in building a culture of hope and resilience?

Questions about the Well-Being Lab at Battelle for Kids? Reach out to us today.

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