Tim Taylor, co-founder and president at America Succeeds, joins Mike Duncan, Ed.D., president and CEO at Battelle for Kids, for the first of our special Futurecast Conversations.
According to America Succeeds, durable skills are competencies we use to share what we know, such as critical thinking, collaboration, or communication, in addition to character skills like fortitude and leadership. By integrating these into education pathways, the power and promise of every student finding happiness and success after graduation can better be realized.
Durable skills are featured in our Futurecast report, “The Future of the Portrait of a Graduate,” and this conversation goes even further in exploring them and how they are impacting the future of education and the workforce.
Here are three takeaways from the conversation. Click here to watch the full video.
1. Durable skills are essential skills that are becoming increasingly important in the rapidly changing workforce and are transferable across industries.
“There was so much around the future of work and the skills that people were going to need as the workforce changed rapidly. And that was focused primarily on technical skills. But at the same time, we kept hearing employers say there is also this set of durable skills that that you’re going to need. Our hypothesis was that there wasn’t an industry out there that didn’t need these skills. And that’s exactly what we heard from employers.”
2. Schools must integrate durable skills into the curriculum and provide opportunities for students to practice and develop these skills.
“It’s not doing more. It’s doing what you’re doing differently, and it is embedding these [durable] skills in the curriculum. Whatever your curriculum is, whatever your state standards are, whatever your Portrait of a Graduate is, embed the durable skills during the day.”
3. There are challenges and opportunities for school districts in implementing durable skills. Creating a common understanding and language around durable skills is crucial for effective implementation.
“What’s great is that the Durable Skills Framework that is available through our website at America Succeeds, the product is a lexicon. It is taking and defining every one of the terms that are in the durable skills wheel. It is what employers expect somebody to be able to know and do as it relates to these types of skills.”
Our Special Futurecast Report
Have you read our special report, “The Future of the Portrait of a Graduate,” yet? There is much more insight on durable skills within the report, including a contribution from Tim Taylor. There are also case studies from throughout the nation from our EdLeader21 Network on how these skills are coming to life in the learning experiences of students through the transformative work being accelerated from Portraits of a Graduate.